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Donations and Legacies

As a registered charity, our aim is to preserve the ancient remains of Shaftesbury Abbey for the benefit of the nation; to educate and inspire an interest in its fascinating history and to provide free access to a peaceful heritage garden at the heart of our town for everyone to enjoy.


We rely on a dedicated team of volunteers to keep the museum and gardens open and welcome all levels of support from generous individuals. Since we offer free admission to all, plus free education visits, donations are vital to keep the museum running, thriving and developing. We are now able to take donations securely online, so you can give anytime.




Remembering Shaftesbury Abbey Museum by leaving a gift in your Will creates a lasting legacy for the heritage of this special place. Your gift, no matter what size, can help us to care for our collection, support special exhibitions and deliver learning and outreach services to the local community.  Our Chairman would be happy to talk to you about how your gift could benefit the future work of the Museum.

Leaving a gift in your Will is straightforward. Please ensure that your gift is made out to the Shaftesbury Abbey & Museum Preservation Trust Company Ltd (our official name) Charity Number 293260.  Email us at and we can discuss how you would like your legacy to be used in the future.


By leaving 10% of your estate to charity the rate of Inheritance Tax applicable to the rest of the estate is reduced to 36%. Therefore, by giving to the Museum you could benefit your beneficiaries as well.

However, tax is a complicated issue and we strongly advise that you speak to your tax advisor about the potential implications of your gift.

If you have already remembered Shaftesbury Abbey Museum or intend to do so, please feel free to get in touch. This will enable us to thank you and to stay in touch.



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Shaftesbury Abbey Museum & Garden
Park Walk,


Tel: 01747 852910



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© Copyright 2020  Shaftesbury Abbey Museum & Gardens

All rights reserved.

We are a small independent museum reliant for our day to day running costs on income from donations, and volunteer support.

Charity number 293260

Company number 1964697

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